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Réponses à un statut posté(e)s par jackjack

  1. Hello @jackjack,

    I would like to hear from you as an Australian about the health situation in your country. I receive a lot of videos or messages showing a very fierce police repression against people challenging the government's health policy.

    Nowadays, we have to be careful about what the internet says, so I would like to have a first hand opinion to have reliable information.

    Is this repression as brutal as it looks, or is it an information bias?

    Sincerely yours.

    From Deepl translation

    1. jackjack


      My state is one that is covid free and we live a pretty normal life, 11 days lockdown in 12 months.  We have masks since the NSW/Vic outbrake.. NSW and Victoria are the two with cases.

      There is a minority that won't follow the lockdown restrictions, till we get vaccinated. They are on facebook and all the conspiracies. They protest and some get fined, because at the moment protests are illegal in groups. Out of those there are about 500, who like to fight the police. the violence is real. we were late with supply, but they are here now. In another month or 2 , everyone who wants one should be done. Restrictions are being removed as the number of people vaccinated rise. 

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