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Messages posté(e)s par Will

  1. France et UK mis d accord sur le moyen de qualification des canons CTA 40mm, ceci pourrait rendre le canon operationnel pour 2012. Les tests vont commence vers le 4eme quarter de 2009, ils vont tire 20 000 munitions  :-X

    en test aussi des munitions guidees.

    CTAI also has tested a guided munition using a smaller dart based on Thales UK'shypervelocity Starstreak anti-air missile.

    Interessant aussi, CTA International semble confiant de futur business aux USA pour remplace les 25mm des Bradleys: le CTA 40mm rentre dans la place existante

    CTAI still has eyes on the U.S. market as well. The first integration work on the armament system took place in a Bradley infantry fighting vehicle and in the subsequently cancelled U.S.-U.K. Tracer scout vehicle program.

    Leslie said the new cannon fitted easily into the space left by removing the Bradley's 25mm cannon. "I am confident the U.S. military will fit the weapon eventually," he said.


    Airbus defend le A400M:

    Airbus Publicly Backs Its A400M Project


    Published: 30 Mar 10:34 EDT (14:34 GMT)  Print  |    Email

    PARIS - European aerospace group EADS insisted March 30 it was still committed to building the A400M military transport after its Airbus unit warned it may not be able to complete the much-delayed aircraft.

    Airbus chief executive Thomas Enders had told the German weekly Der Spiegel the firm was unable "in current conditions" to complete the 20-billion-euro A400 program, which is already running three years late.

    "Clarifying comments made in the press, EADS confirms that it remains fully committed to the construction of the A400M that will be the most complete high performance military plane for the coming decades," a statement said.

    But EADS reiterated calls for a renegotiation of its contract with client countries including France and Germany, which have threatened to cancel or reduce their orders.

    "The group reaffirms that the contract signed in 2003 does not provide the necessary conditions for the successful development of the program," it said, arguing that the contract was based on "an unrealistic timetable."

    The A400M's inaugural flight, set for January, was postponed indefinitely because of engine problems.

    The seven European countries that have ordered A400M aircraft agreed in March to give EADS a three-month moratorium, but are set to decide from July 1 whether to start canceling orders.

    Germany has ordered 60 planes; France, 50; Spain, 27; Great Britain, 25; Turkey, 10; Belgium, 7; Luxembourg is planning to buy one A400M aircraft.

    EADS called for the three months to "be used by all partners of the program to put it back on tracks within conditions acceptable by all parties."

    Speaking March 30 in southern France, French Defence Minister Herve Morin said Paris was determined to keep the A400 afloat.

    "I am doing everything to save this program," Morin told reporters during a visit to a military base.

    "This is a flagship European program, a major industrial program, an extremely well-placed program that is unique in the world," he said.

    Berlin, which has taken a tough line towards EADS, called March 30 for the group to uphold its contract to build the plane, but appeared to leave the door open for a loosening of terms.

    "Contracts must be upheld, that is my principle," German Defense Minister Franz Josef Jung told reporters in Berlin.

    But he added that Berlin was waiting for EADS to provide it with a detailed update on the program.

    "We need transparency, we need a clear presentation: How, in what configuration... and in what timeframe can the A400 be built?" he said.

  3. le Dragon de Roshan

    Image IPB

    un histoire que j ai bien aime. Les soldats du 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery a Musa Qaleh ont monte ''secretement'' a la main dans le noir un canon de 105mm sur la colline de Roshan pres de la et l utilisent en appui feu direct. Les talibans ne l aime pas beaucoup et l ont surnome ''le dragon''  =D

    "The gun is phenomenally accurate - achieving first round hits on individuals at up to 3km, allowing us to strike the enemy very precisely and extremely quickly. Our location allows us to provide fire support to our patrols out on the ground and give a running commentary of the locations and movements of the enemy.

    "The Dragon is the most feared weapon in our area by the Taliban - they are genuinely frightened by it. It is also the most loved by our own forces - the Gurkhas operating from Musa Qala have been astonished by its speed, pin-point accuracy and power.

    "More importantly, its accuracy means we are better able to prevent civilian injuries."

    un peu de improvisation creative mais efficace.

  4. commande de 60 Terriers pour les Royals Engineers

    Image IPB


    Le Jackal s'en prend plein la figure (au propre comme au figure...)

    Un article cinglant du Daily Telegraph sur le Supacat HMT 400

    pour faire facile je vais juste poste le reponse du MoD

    Safety concerns over Jackal vehicles

    The Daily Telegraph has featured an article claiming that there is concern about the safety of the Jackal vehicle after Corporal Dean John and Corporal Graeme Stiff of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers were killed while on patrol in a Jackal on Sunday. The article claims that the Jackal was introduced "following the debacle over the flimsy Snatch Land Rover". It is incorrect for the Telegraph to imply that Jackal was purchased as a replacement for Snatch - it is an entirely different vehicle designed for a different purpose.

    Jackal was bought to provide Afghanistan with a weapons platform that had greater payload and mobility than the Land Rover WMIKs. It is one of the most agile and versatile vehicles on operations and has received enormous acclaim from the soldiers on the ground. It has high levels of off-road mobility enabling troops to avoid well-trodden routes, giving them a degree of unpredictability - an essential tactical asset in itself. The design of the vehicle hull incorporates advanced armour protection features. Jackal is able to operate in open desert and mountainous terrain, taking the fight to the enemy away from ground of their choosing, and is proving a significant success.

    The more highly armoured a vehicle is, the less mobile it is; there is always a balance to be struck between the two. Heavily armoured vehicles may offer better protection, but can either be too large to reach difficult locations or, in causing damage to local infrastructure, can alienate local people and fuel sympathy for insurgents. We must leave it to commanders in the field to balance the risks as they see fit in order to achieve their mission.

    Keeping our troops safe in vehicles is achieved by a mixture of factors, including tactics techniques and procedures (TTPs), which are enabled by mobility over arduous terrain. Commanders on the ground continue to assert that survivability is 60% TTPs, 30% equipment and 10% good fortune. Jackal gives protection against a range of threats while facilitating greater operational choice for commanders at all levels. Our approach is to give commanders a choice.  This is reflected in the provision of Mastiff and Ridgback (which will shortly arrive in Afghanistan), and beyond that our work on the protected mobility package that was announced by the Secretary of State last year. This will provide a range of light, medium and heavy support vehicles effectively broadening the range of options available.


    Bref, il semble que du point de vue de certains observateur que cette vision  est décevante, tant sur la forme (lisibilité du document, cohérence avec livre blanc) que sur le fond. Il existe une décorrélation entre la R&T britannique (pilotée par SIT) et les programmes (gérés par les DECs et la DE&S). Et on peut toutefois se demander si ce tourbillon de "gadgets" ne traduit pas la perte d'une pensée stratégique technologique.

    La seule utilité et de permettre d'identifier les "thèmes génériques" possibles de coopération.

    De toute facon en 2010 les tories seront au pouvoir et voudront tout faire a leur facon, donc tout sera recommence ou change, vive la politique... :P  :-\  =D

  5. Pourquoi voulez vous emporter des Hot? Nos adversaires là-bas sont surtout à pied et éparpillés. Je ne vois pas quelle serait l'utilisation de ce missile?

    Le interet des missiles Hellfire/HOT en Afghanistan est contre les batiments surtout: apres les IEDs, le tactique prefere des talibans est de tire a partir de maisons (99% construit du temps construit en boue tassee) qui resistent tres tres bien aux choses comme les balles et les obus de 25 et 30mm comme sur les helicopteres et les IFVs.

    Le mieux contre ceci sont les missiles avec tetes thermobaric (Hellfire N par exemple).

    Est ce que la France achete des AGM-114N pour les tigres?

  6. Les deux consortiums qui se disputent le contract PFI pour remplace les sea kings SAR de la RAF/FAA/Maritime Coastguard Agency, SAR-H, ont donne leur choix de appareil:

    Airknight (VT, Lockheed Martin UK, British International Helicopters) propose le EC225

    Soteria (Thales UK, CHC Helicopters, Royal Bank of Scotland) propose le S-92

    Si le programme continue comme prevu, les remplacant des sea kings vont commence a arrive en 2012...

  7. The Type 45 destroyers will be equipped with the new Principal Anti Air Missile System (PAAMS) which is being developed jointly between the French, Italian and British governments. Daring, the first ship of class, will enter into service with the PAAMS system performance having been tested elsewhere but before the missile is first fired from a destroyer the following year.

    As part of the MOD’s plan to fit a number of equipments incrementally on ships after they have come into service, the full capability of the Type 45 will not be available until the middle of the next decade. These include the final elements of PAAMS, communications equipments and the Co-operative Engagement Capability which provides a clearer picture of the battle space and has a current target date of 2014 for installation

    Rien ne m ennerve plus que les rapports faux de medias ensuite recopie stupidement par des autres medias...

  8. HS: Pourquoi n'y a t-il pas de char Abrams ou Leclerc en Afghanistan ? C'est accose du terrain ?

    La ou sont la majorite des soldats francais et americains, oui.

    Au sud ou il est plus plat, ca va pour les tanks. Il a ete dit que les americains vont peut etre en amene au region de Helmand quand les renforts vont venir la bas.

  9. Warship missile system delayed


    du grand et total n importe quoi...un article effrayament mauvais du part de FT  =( 2011 est la date ou tout le systeme sera verifie et entierement certifie. Daring a deja le systeme de missile a bord.

    Les majeurs problemes de contract vient de la decision de coupe le nombre de bateau a achete de 12 a 6  >:( >:(

  10. Image IPB

    Landing Helicopter Dock:

    Length Over All 165,0 m

    Length Between Perpendicular 147,0 m

    Beam max 31,0 m

    Full Load Displacement abt. 16.000 t

    Corresponding Draft abt. 6,3 m

    Flight deck height abt. 24,5 m

    Main Garage Deck height 8,5 m

    Speed: 22 n

    Range: 7.000 nm at cruise speed

    Accommodation: up to 900 (150 crew+700 troops)

    Command & Control: up to 300 m2 available

    Flight deck: 5 spots for EH 101 or 7 smaller helos

    Helo hangar: parking area for 5 EH 101

    Vehicle deck: up to 1.200 metric lanes

    Hospital area: 700 m2 + 1.000 m2 convertible area.

    Floodable dock: 50 x 15 m

    Vehicle ramps 1 stern 1 side (60 t)

    Un design possible des futurs LHD...en fait sans doute ca car c est propose par Fincantieri  =D

  11. Ces batards ont tire quelques 60 balles. Un des livreurs de pizzas pris dans le feu avait 6 balles en lui, les soldats etaient ''off duty'' et prenaient un dernier pizzas juste quelques heures avant de prendre le bus pour leur deploiment en Afghanistan. Image IPB

    Les tueurs ont ete vus sur cameras CCTV, avec de la chance la police (encore mieux si c est les SAS) vont vite retrouves ces laches...

  12. Les actuels tankers vont devoir continuent un moment, le probleme majeur est que ils ne sont pas au nouveaux normes de assurance actuels (double coque), ce que ils ne sont pas oblige d etre mais c est ce que le MoD prefere avoir.


    entre temps le plan de travail pour les CVFs a ete decide

    The ACA has approved the following decisions under the developing build strategy:

    - Lower Block 1 (the bow section) will be built by Babcock’s yards at Appledore and Rosyth;

    - Lower Block 2 will be built by BVT Surface Fleet in Portsmouth;

    - Lower Blocks 3 and 4 (the stern section) will be built by BVT on the Clyde;

    - The sponsons (the overhanging upper hull structure) will be manufactured by Babcock Marine;

    - and the two superstructure Islands will be built by BVT in Portsmouth.

    Final assembly and integration of the two warships will be undertaken by the Aircraft Carrier Alliance partners at Rosyth.

    The previous build strategy had planned for Lower Block 3 to be constructed at BAE Systems Submarine Solutions in Barrow, but existing and future workloads on submarine programmes have led to a lack of capacity to take on the additional carrier work. The team in Barrow will continue to provide engineering support to the build of Lower Block 3.

    The ACA has also announced further shipbuilding orders worth up to £150M to UK shipyards. A&P Tyne on Tyneside and Cammell Laird on Merseyside have both been named as preferred bidders for the build of the large central Upper Blocks. This will secure further UK manufacturing jobs in addition to the £570M in equipment sub-contracts already placed with UK companies for the Queen Elizabeth class carriers.

    La partie souligne correspond a ce que a dit John Hutton, Defence Secretary, sur le fait que 7 Astute doivent etre construit:

    Il est bien que Hutton est le ministre de la region de Barrow  =|

  13. Fichtre, ils sont relativement sensibles alors comme bêtes. C'est justement le DU du blindage qui confère une des seules qualités à l'abrams à savoir un blindage avant très important. Bon, vous me direz qu'en Astan on s'en fout un peut vu que le souci vient en général d'en dessous. J'aurai pensé qu'ils étaient au standard A2 mais bon...

    Je n avais pas vu ton post Berkut.  :-[  =D

    Ils ont une autre armure ''composite'', dans le style Chobham (les M1A1 avait le Chobham Mk1 a l epoque). L article ici parle des autres difference entres les M1 ozzie et americains et comment les US pensent apparament adopte certaines des choses des australiens sur les leurs.

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