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Messages posté(e)s par Stepfox

  1. L'armée de l'air Afghane devrait recevoir 2 avions de transport chinois. Pas d'info sur l'appareil qui sera livré.


    MoD spokesman Dawlat Waziri said the delivery of the planes will play a key role as the Afghan Air Force needs the planes for the transportaion of the army officials on official trips inside and outside the country.

    No further details were given regarding the exact date of the delivery of the planes and the type of the aircraft China would deliver to the Afghan army.



  2. Un nouveau contrat ?

    Russia says China will buy 200 Russian-made engines for new aircraft and H-6K


    According to Russia's "Herald" website on October 25 reported Reviewed by Russian aviation sources said the Russian defense export company recently signed a new contract with the Chinese exports to China AL-31 and D-30 aircraft engines, Beijing both models will be obtained within three years of the engine, each about 100 units.

      Konstantin Makiyenko Russia's strategic and technical analysis expert, deputy director of the center estimates, so the size of the contract, the amount will be close to $ 1 billion. Single is a price AL-31 on more than $ 5 million, D-30 may not be lower. Russian defense export company declined to comment.

      It reported that since 2010 China began to buy D-30 turbojet engine. Official statement by the Russian manufacturer NPO Saturn previously given its total exports to China reached 239 units. The engine is mounted on the China boom -6K, which is on the Soviet Union in the 1950s Tu-16 bombers launched the latest improved version, is currently the only Chinese-made cruise missile capable of carrying long-range bombers. In addition, the engine is also equipped with Xian Y-20 military transport aircraft, which consists of Wukelanan Antonov Design Bureau to assist research and development, close to the Russian Il-76 in performance parameters.


  3. Il y a 6 heures, Teenytoon a dit :

    Meme question sur l'emport max théorique du Kuz ?

    Il me semble que la configuration pour le Kuznetsov était a l'origine de 26 Su-27K ( Su-33) ou Mig-29 et une vingtaine d'hélicoptères Ka-27, Ka-31 et maintenant Ka-52K. En 1995  pour la première sortie du porte avion il y avait 13 Su-27K a bord.

    Quand Reuters parle de dizaines de chasseurs bombardiers a bord moi je rigole !

    Il faudrait que tous les Su-33 soit en service ainsi que les 24 Mig-29KR/KUBR, j'en doute. Sans compter le retard accumulés dans le programme de certification des pilotes de MiG29K/KUB.

  4. il y a 8 minutes, Henri K. a dit :

    Il y a plus de chance que l'info vienne du côté russe, et j'attend justement cette espèce de barbare belge alias @Dorfmeister à me dénicher les bons éléments à la source. :tongue:

    Ben justement en cherchant il y a un article de Vedomesti datant de 2012 mais pas de confirmation ,peut-être une source chinoise aurait confirmé l'info mais ce n'est apparemment pas le cas.


    All of these contracts, including the new contract in 2012, and is still unknown to the public contracts for the supply of aircraft engines, the prisoners in the past 2.5 years, are estimated at US $ 4 billion (representing about 10% of "Rosoboronexport" portfolio), load the factory "Salute" until the end of 2015, and the motors themselves, apparently, are now the main subject of the Russian machine-building exports to China, says the manager. According to him, it does not exclude the conclusion of new contracts for the more powerful engine modifications AL-31F production of "Salute" and the last contract for 140 engines signed for modification with increased traction in comparison with previously supplied engines.


  5.  Reuters annonce que la Russie avec son groupe naval et son porte avion Kuznetsov se dirige vers les côtes syriennes avec a son bord des dizaines de chasseurs bombardiers ! :blink:


    A bord du porte-avions se trouvent des dizaines de chasseurs-bombardiers et d'hélicoptères. Les huit navires de ce groupe naval vont rejoindre la dizaine de bâtiments de guerre russes d'ores et déjà au large de la Syrie, ont déclaré des diplomates.


  6. Borisov annonce qu'un premier prototype du nouveau bombardier PAK DA verra le jour en 2018. Surprenant que l'on soit en avance sur le projet.


    - There is a high probability that we will see in 2018 - Yuri Borisov said.

    In January of this year, VKS Commander Viktor Bondarev said that the new bomber will rise into the sky ahead of schedule.

    - Works on the PAK DA and the rate are we satisfied. The objective is to raise the sky a prototype in 2021, but if all goes as it is now, it will take off in the past - said Colonel-General.




  7. Le Bangladesh vient de commandé a Airbus un exemplaire de l'avion de transport militaire C295W.


    Bangladesh has become the latest nation to acquire the Airbus C295W medium airlifter with an order for a single aircraft for Bangladesh Army Aviation.

    The aircraft, in transport configuration, will be delivered in the second half of 2017 under a contract that also includes customer support and training.

    The C295W is qualified for the transport of troops and bulky/palletized cargo, paratrooping and medical evacuation. It is the first multi-engine fixed-wing aircraft to be operated by Bangladesh Army Aviation


  8. L'armée de l'air Afghane recevra avant 2018 quatre A-29 Super Tucano supplémentaires ( en plus des 20 déjà commandés). Huit appareils actuellement en service depuis le début de l'année.


    The Afghan Air Force (AAF) is to receive four more Embraer-Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) A-29 Super Tucano light attack aircraft to add to the 20 already under contract, the US Air Force (USAF) disclosed on 7 October.

    A sources sought notification for the four additional aircraft was posted on the Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) website by the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC)/Development & Integration (WWB).

    The additional aircraft will be delivered to the AAF within 18 to 20 months of a contract signature. The sources sought notification calls for interested parties to respond by 27 October 2016. While other manufacturers may bid, it is more than likely that SNC will again manufacture the aircraft in partnership with Embraer Defense & Security....



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